In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful


What is PCNL surgery?

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a minimally invasive procedure to remove kidney stones via a small incision in the patient’s back. Nephrolithotomy is commonly used to control and treat large kidney stones.

Kidney PCNL Pre-Surgical Counseling:

In the initial counseling before kidney PCNL surgery, it is important for patients to provide all X-ray films (such as KUB, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound) and reports to their surgeon for review.

How long does kidney stone surgery last?

Typically, the PCNL procedure takes one to two hours. PCNL is carried out by making a small 1 cm incision in the side of the patient. In kidney stone surgery, a tube is placed through an incision into the kidney under X-ray guidance. Then a small telescope is passed through the tube to demonstrate the stone, break it and remove it from the body.

When should you visit your doctor after kidney PCNL surgery?

If symptoms or signs of infection (fever, leakage of fluid from the incision and wound, frequent urination or discomfort, pain, or anything that you may be concerned about) appear after the kidney stone surgery, the person that underwent the surgery should immediately refer to doctor for observation.

Risks and Potential Complications of PCNL Surgery:  

Although PCNL has been proved to be very safe, there are potential risks and complications with any surgical procedure. The safety and complication rates are similar compared to open surgery. The potential risks of kidney stone surgery include the following:

·         Bleeding

In PCNL surgery, the person undergoing surgery naturally loses some blood, but rarely patients need blood transfusion.

·         Infection

All patients undergoing PCNL surgery are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics to reduce the possibility of infection after PCNL.

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