In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Aria Specialized and Subspecialty Hospital
Self-Care in Illness:
Surgery Ward
Hemorrhoid refers to a condition in which the veins around, inside the rectum and anus become prominent and swollen. This condition can be caused by excessive pressure to defecate (for example, in chronic constipation). Hemorrhoids can also occur inside the anus. It is called internal hemorrhoids, and it is called external hemorrhoids if it occurs outside and on the skin around the anus.
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
- Bleeding, which is usually accompanied by excrement or after defecation in the form of drops or splashes of blood.
- Pain
- Itching
- Burning
- Secretion of mucus and irritation around the anus.
- The most common manifestation of hemorrhoids is bleeding, which if it exists for a long time or it is severe and the person does not have enough and proper nutrition and the iron required by his/her body is not provided, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia.
How is hemorrhoids treated?
1- Medical treatment (non-surgical): It is done in the early stages.
2- Surgical treatment: in advanced stages according to the discretion of the doctor.
How to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids?
- Constipation is prohibited
- It is forbidden to force.
- Washing should be done with warm water.
- It is forbidden to sit in wet and cold places.
- Sitting and standing for a long time is prohibited.
- Remember, in order not to suffer from constipation, follow a (high-fiber) diet that includes the use of whole grain bread and cereals, raw fruits and vegetables, and fruits that are consumed with peel and seeds.
- Liquid consumption (at least up to 8 glasses)
- If you do not use high-fiber food, you can gradually add psyllium powder to your diet according to the doctor’s opinion.
Teaching home care without surgery:
- It is recommended to avoid factors that increase pressure on hemorrhoids, such as sitting, standing for a long time, and straining during defecation. In case of severe pain, rest while lying on your stomach.
- To prevent constipation, do light activities and regular exercise.
- Use a diet rich in fiber (vegetables and fruits) and plenty of fluids.
- It is recommended to use whole grains such as grain bread, beans, vegetables and fruits with peel.
- If prescribed ointment and suppositories containing anesthetic substances, use it after washing and drying the anus.
- If you sit in the hot tub, do this 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes each time.
- Observe the hygiene of the anus area, dry the anus well after going to the toilet and apply painkiller ointment according to the doctor’s instructions.
Training related to surgery:
Before surgery: if prescribed by the doctor, use laxatives or enemas to clean the intestines.
After surgery:
- Sleep on your side and change position regularly.
- From 12 hours after surgery to 1-2 weeks, sit in the basin of warm water for 10 minutes each time, 3-4 times a day.
- It is essential to defecate immediately if you feel the urge to defecate, and afterwards, wash the anus well and dry it with a soft paper towel.
- Avoid excessive consumption of sweets, coffee, chocolate and spices (stimulating foods).
- Laxatives should be used only with the permission of the doctor.
- To soften excrement, use olive oil, prunes, sorghum and cold milk.
- It is recommended to defecate at certain times of the day, for example after breakfast. In case of complications after surgery, such as bleeding from the anus, discharge of purulent secretions, fever, and constipation, discuss the matter with your doctor.
- Go for the next visit on the appointed date.
Source: Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
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